School Edu Deptt Orders Transfers Posting Of Principals Under ATD-2023

SRINAGAR: The School Education Department Monday ordered mass transfers of senior secondary principals and equivalent under the online Annual Transfer Drive 2023.

Principal Secretary, School Education Department, Alok Kumar ordered transfer and posting of at least 200 principals and equivalent under the online Annual Transfer Drive 2023

Kumar said that all the transferees shall be deemed to have been relieved with the direction to immediately report to their new place of postings.

“The DDOs concerned are directed to immediately forward the LPCs along-with service book of the transferees to their new place of postings,” reads the order.

Kumar said that no leave of any kind shall be granted to any officer who is under order of transfer and failing to comply shall be treated as absence from duties.

“Orders once issued must be strictly complied with and any modification request under compelling circumstances or in exceptional cases shall be entertained by the department only after joining of the transferees at their new place of postings,” it reads.

Earlier, KNO had reported that the School Education Department is likely to transfer 229 principals of government run schools under the Annual Transfer Drive (ATD) 2023.

The Deputy Secretary to government had said that it has received various representations from the school principals.

“Representations from principals who were posted in Zone I, II and III and were willing to serve voluntarily in Zone IV and V were invited irrespective of stay,” the deputy secretary said earlier.

He said, “At least 273 representations have been received by the Department in this regard.”

Pertinently, the School Education Department had notified ‘conditional’ process for Annual Transfer Drive 2023.

Stating the conditions to apply for the transfers, the department had said that the employees having a mature stay of three years and above in Zone-I, II and III as per transfer policy-2023 shall compulsorily apply online in prescribed application format.

It had also said that the Teachers-Grade-II, III, RReTs and 3rd grade teachers shall not apply and their applications shall not be entertained on the portal.

The department had informed that the preferences for posting shall be that an employee who is working in Zone-I shall opt for Zone- II, III, IV and V. An employee who is working in Zone-II shall opt for Zone- I, III, IV and V. An employee who is working in Zone-III shall opt for Zone-I, II, IV and V. An employee who is working in Zone-IV shall opt for Zone- I, II, III and V. An employee who is working in Zone-V shall opt for Zone- I, II, III and IV.

“Female Employees working in Zone-III, IV and V can also apply within the same zone,” it reads.

According to the School Education Department, Zone-I falls within municipal limit of district headquarter, Zone-II outside municipal limit upto 20km from district headquarter, Zone-III beyond 20km to 40Kms from district headquarter, Zone-IV beyond 40kms and above from district headquarter and also where change of residence is required. In addition, those schools where there is no motorable road and walking distance from the nearest motorable road is 7 KMs or more one way—(KNO)

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