Drug Menace Spreading Its Tentacles In JK: Omar

SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullah on Tuesday expressed dismay over the LG administration’s failure to identify the nexus behind the drug trade and said that issue of drug abuse in Jammu and Kashmir has assumed alarming proportions that cannot be ignored anymore.

“It is a bitter reality that Jammu and Kashmir is rapidly outpacing other states in the country in terms of drug use but surprisingly the incumbent administration is treating the issue lightly. As far as we are concerned, there should be no room for nonseriousness towards tackling the rising cases of drug abuse,” he said. While addressing a gathering at Nawa-e-Subha, Srinagar.

In his address Omar Abdullah said, “Whatever we do is for future generations and whatever we earn and build in life, we do it with the intention of handing it over to our next generation. But if we continue to see our children destroyed by a scourge like drugs, then what is the purpose of our hard work? We are engaged in a political and constitutional struggle for the restoration of our rights. We will strengthen the infrastructure in Jammu and Kashmir, and we will develop and promote tourism, but the generation for which we are doing all this will not be able to thrive if the issue of drug abuse remains unaddressed.”

Describing the eradication of drug abuse as a collective struggle, Omar said that the government has a lot of responsibility.

“As a society, we also have a role to play, we cannot rely on the government alone. Drug rehabilitation centers, counseling centers, treatment, and policing are the work of the government. But as a society we have to make people aware of it, to make the youth aware of the negative effects of drugs, and to help the youth who are addicted to drugs. It is the responsibility of all of us to bring them back,” he said.

Stating that it is a pity that no one is ready to take responsibility and only allegations are being made that youth are being pushed into drug addiction under a conspiracy Omar said, “There is no denying the complicit attitude of the incumbent government about it. It goes without saying that the administration has turned blind eye to the trade nexus behind the menace. But we being a part & parcel of this society cannot shy away from our responsibilities.”

He further added that drug menace was assumed to be an issue confined to cities but it has spread its tentacles in villages as well. “Initially it was believed to be rampant among boys only, but today, as per many reports, a large number of young girls and women are also affected by this menace.  It should be a matter of concern for every sensitive citizen.”

He urged every person associated with the party to start their activities in every district, every constituency, every block and every constituency in the fight against drugs ensuring active participation and cooperation of the people.


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