JK Yateem Foundation Holds Three Day Volunteer Capacity Building Programme In Kulgam

SRINAGAR: To sensitise and instill an understanding of the basic principles of social service and build comprehensive capacity among volunteers, the J&K Yateem Foundation conducted a three-day Capacity Building Programme at its orphanage, Baitul Hilal, in Chawalgam, South Kashmir’s Kulgam district. The theme of the program was “Social Service: Credibility, Transparency & Accountability.”

The three-day volunteer workshop is part of JKYF’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness among volunteers on the ground about various issues and challenges related to voluntary social service in Jammu & Kashmir.

Speakers and experts urged the volunteers to adopt innovative and modern methodologies in the field of social service to address the latest challenges.

Describing credibility, transparency, accountability, sincerity, wisdom, and selflessness as the fundamental principles to serve humanity, the speakers encouraged the volunteers to learn and equip themselves with the knowledge, methodologies, and technologies necessary to address emerging contemporary challenges, issues, and problems in the social service sector.

Addressing a gathering of around 150 senior volunteers from various parts of J&K, including remote and hilly districts like Poonch, Rajouri, and Doda, the speakers commended the sincere dedication of volunteers who invest their time, energy, and resources to collaborate for the tangible socioeconomic development of economically disadvantaged sections.

Speakers urged the participants to proactively enhance their capacities as volunteers to assist the poorest among the poor and needy in a coordinated and professional manner.

Noted columnist and author Dr Maroof Shah, in his speech, pointed out that the Yateem Foundation should revisit its welfare policies to address emerging challenges. He advocated for new rehabilitation models to empower deserving individuals, particularly widows and the destitute, through the establishment of micro-business units.

Joint Director Central Bureau of Communications (CBC), J&K and Ladakh, Ghulam Abbas (IIS), emphasised sincerity, honesty, truthfulness, and uprightness among volunteers. While speaking on the theme “Social Service & Our Responsibilities,” he encouraged volunteers to guide disadvantaged sections of society in taking full advantage of government welfare schemes. He commended the role of J&K Yateem Foundation for its relentless efforts to instill professional traits among the volunteers.

A panel discussion on the theme “Role Of NGOs in Countering Social Evils” was held during the program. The panelists, including Dr Maroof Shah, Prof Manzoor Rehman, Nissar ul Haq, Javaid Jawad, and Dr Tariq Ahmad Malik, participated in the discussion, addressing questions from the audience.

Former Income Tax Officer Shabir Ahmad Handoo provided a detailed account of ways to collect Zakat and the methodology for its effective utilisation. He proposed the establishment of a Special Zakat Fund to assist individuals trapped in debt.

Former ADDC Sheikh Abdul Hamid (KAS) emphasised reaching out to all vulnerable sections of society, regardless of creed, caste, color, religion, or race.

Adil Farooq and Ulfat Jan of the Human Welfare Voluntary Organization (HWVO) discussed the “Need for Psycho Education in Child Care Instructions,” emphasising the importance of treating orphan children with care and creating an environment resembling normal homes in orphanages.

Medical professional Waseem Farooq spoke on the theme “First Aid Training” and shared relevant tips for dealing with emergencies during social service activities, particularly in disaster management situations.

District Representative Pulwama, Mohammad Amin Bhat, shared poignant stories of drug addicts while speaking on the theme “Drug Abuse & Our Responsibilities.” He stressed the need to confront the issue directly in respective areas.

Senior volunteer Mahmoodur Reyaz, speaking on the theme “Social Service in an Islamic Perspective,” highlighted the teachings of the Holy Quran that emphasize working for the weaker sections of society.

Senior volunteer Nisar ul Haq spoke on the theme “Begging: Its Causes and Remedies,” invoking the Holy Quran and the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to denounce the practice of begging. He encouraged volunteers to promote skill development to combat begging.

Discussing the “Role of Social Media in the Social Service Sector,” Programme Executive Press & PR Division, Javaid Jawad, emphasized the importance of social media in spreading the message of social service among a broad audience. He advised volunteers to use social media for the welfare and development of disadvantaged groups in society.

Senior physical education teacher Mohammad Sultan from District Baramulla conducted physical exercise sessions for students and participants during the three-day program.

District Secretary Shopian, Rafiq Ahmad Mir, spoke on the “Etiquettes of Gatherings,” urging all participants to follow the calendar of activities diligently.

Earlier, General Secretary Yateem Foundation, Mohammad Yaqoob Reshi, in his welcome address, encouraged volunteers to adhere to organizational discipline in their daily activities.

Secretary Finance Mohammad Ishaq Shiekh presented the financial report of the past six months of JKYF, while district representatives presented achievement reports for their respective districts over the same period.

Chairman Mohammad Rafiq Lone, in his vote of thanks, urged speakers and experts to maintain continuous engagement with JKYF to guide volunteers for more effective results on the ground. He emphasized the need for regular one-on-one interactions to pursue the goals, objectives, and targets for the socioeconomic development of the poor, needy, and destitute, irrespective of caste, color, creed, region, or religion across Jammu & Kashmir.

All district representatives presented progress reports for the first half of the financial year 2023-2024.

Six sessions during the event were conducted by Javaid Jawad, Hafiz Shabir, Mohammad Amin Bhat, Sheikh Abdul Gani, Mohammad Anwar Malik, and Mahmood ur Reyaz.

Volunteers Hafiz Shabir, Hafiz Abid Salaam (Teacher), Tariq Ahmad Lone, Muzaffar Jan, and Mehmood ur Reyaz recited verses from the Holy Quran, while Farooq Ahmad (volunteer), Hafiz Abid Salam, and Gh Nabi Khanday presented Naats (poetry eulogizing Prophet Muhammad PBUH) during various sessions.

District Representative Kulgam, Mohammad Sadullah Bhat, along with Central Executive Committee (CEC) member Abdul Majeed Laway, supported by employees, volunteers, and well-wishers, organized the three-day event.

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