Letter To Editor | India’s Hottest Day Ever: A Wake-Up Call to Secure a Sustainable Future

The recent recording of 3rd July as the hottest day in the history of the Earth should serve as a wake-up call for India to prepare for the impending challenges of climate change. India has to take serious steps to address this problem head-on as it is a country that is most at risk from the effects of global warming. India must put its development and use of renewable energy sources as its top priority. As a result of the country’s dependence on fossil fuels for energy, a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions are produced. In addition to lowering carbon emissions, switching to renewable energy sources like solar and wind power aids in the development of a robust and self-sufficient energy infrastructure. India also has to spend money on infrastructure that is climate resilient. The frequency and severity of extreme weather events like heatwaves, cyclones, and floods are increasing as global temperatures rise. India can safeguard its inhabitants and better survive these climate-related calamities by developing durable structures, enhancing drainage systems, and establishing green areas. Furthermore, Water management techniques should be given top priority in India. Water shortage becomes an urgent worry as temperatures rise. To guarantee that clean water is available for both agricultural and home uses, the nation must invest in effective irrigation systems, rainwater gathering, and water conservation measures. India must focus on raising public awareness and educating the people about climate change. The nation may promote an environmentally aware culture by teaching its people about the dangers of global warming and the value of sustainable practises. Promoting eco-friendly behaviours like waste management, lowering plastic consumption, and boosting public transportation are a few examples of how to do this. The fact that July 3rd was officially recorded as the hottest day in history shows how vital it is for India to get ready for the effects of climate change. India may reduce the effects of global warming and ensure its population have a sustainable future by switching to renewable energy, developing infrastructure that is climate resilient, putting water management plans into place, and increasing public awareness. Praveen Kumar Sahu Praveenkrsahu111@gmail.com

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