Fellowship Programme To Study In USA Check Details

SRINAGAR: The Harvard Radcliffe Institute, USA, is offering a fully funded Radcliffe Fellowship programme for every profession. The fellowship will run from September 2024 to May 2024.

The application deadline for applicants in the humanities, social sciences, and creative arts is September 14, 2023, while the application deadline for applicants in science, engineering, and mathematics is October 5, 2023.

Exceptional writers, scholars, scientists, practitioners, public intellectuals, and artists whose unique work experience has marked a significant record in their professional fields are welcome to apply for this scholarship. The Harvard Radcliffe Institute serves as Harvard University’s Institute for Advanced Study, which is dedicated to creating and sharing transformative ideas across the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences.

The Academic Ventures and Engagement programme at Radcliffe brings together scholars from across Harvard University and around the world to foster multidisciplinary collaborations in small, intensive workshops and large public conferences—that lead to new ideas, innovative research, and the advancement of knowledge.

The applicants must have achieved high scores and have independent research and writing skills.If you are applying as a practitioner, you must have senior leadership positions in non-profits, government, or the private sector, have at least ten years of relevant experience, and be acknowledged as a leader in your relevant field.

The documents required include an application form, a CV, a project proposal, a work sample, and three recommendation letters from the provided references. The selected applicants will receive an award of INR 78,000 for relocation, housing, and childcare. Healthcare assistance will also be provided. Further, INR 5,000 will be granted to cover project expenses, and the applicants will be given the privilege of working in an international environment.

For more information and to apply,



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