SRINAGAR: In a heart-breaking incident, a 20-year-old boy from Chanpora Methan lost his life after drowning in the well-known water body, Mukhtepukhri, located in Vicharnag, Nowshera, Srinagar.
The unfortunate incident occurred while the boy was engaged in the distribution of Qurbani mutton. As he went to answer nature’s call and subsequently proceeded to wash his hands, he accidentally slipped into the spring.
Tragically, his brother, who was waiting outside, was unable to prevent the unfortunate turn of events. As the news spread, lot o people came out and literally rescued him and drove him to the neighbouring SKIMS hospital. Hospital sources have confirmed the devastating news, declaring the young boy deceased on the spot.
The deceased young man’s identity could not be immediately ascertained.
Confirming the death, the local police said they were two brothers distributing the mutton and both stopped to respond to the call of nature. “One brother went to the urinal of the local masjid and another found an isolated space,” the police officer said. “He went to clean his hands and slipped into the spring.” He said they are ascertaining the details including his name.
The area where the spring is located has no lighting and that was fundamental to the accident.